Founded in 1887 in Porto, Claus Porto carries a notable Portuguese historical past, marked by authenticity and exclusivity. Inspired by traditional methods, Claus Porto moves in a world of luxury, where it participates in a constellation of sophisticated fragrances and products of unusual quality and refinement with vintage-sourced designs.

Luxury and tradition are synonymous with Claus Porto, the cult brand that invites a unique experience of glamour.


1887年在葡萄牙波爾圖成立,Claus Porto承載著葡萄牙皇室歷史,是一款可靠獨特的產品。從傳統製法中得到靈感,Claus Porto用迷幻多變的香味,值得信賴的產品質量和精緻復古的設計征服客戶,進身世界奢侈品品牌